Don’t Believe Everything You See Online: How to Help Patients Avoid DIY Dentistry Disasters

Social media is a breeding ground for health misinformation, and dentistry isn’t immune. From at-home teeth filing to DIY braces, these trends can lead to serious oral health problems. A study in the Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene revealed that 75% of people globally seek health information online. However, much of this content is sensationalized, product-focused, and often misleading. Here are some tips to help you guide patients away from online dangers and towards safe, effective dental care.

Examples of Social Media-Led Dental Mishaps

Several dangerous trends have emerged on social media, leading patients to attempt risky DIY dental treatments. Some recent examples include:

  • Filing Teeth with Emery Boards: Influencers advocating the use of nail files to smooth uneven teeth.
  • Oil Pulling: Promoting the use of coconut oil to prevent decay, lacking any scientific backing.
  • DIY Orthodontics & “Fashion Braces”: Using DIY kits, rubber bands or hair ties to close gaps in teeth or mimic the look of braces, risking severe damage.
  • Household Cleaners for Whitening: Using products like Magic Erasers on teeth, leading to potential toxicity.
  • Prosthetic Teeth with Art Supplies: Creating fake teeth with non-dental-grade materials, risking oral health.
  • Vampire Fangs with Toxic Adhesives: Gluing novelty teeth, causing permanent damage.

How Dentists Can Mitigate DIY Disasters

  • Immediate Intervention and Damage Control

When patients arrive with DIY mishaps, the priority is to address any immediate trauma. The International Association of Dental Traumatology offers guidelines for treating such injuries.

  • Be a Source of Truth

Social media is loud, but your expertise is louder. Address viral social media trends head-on by discussing them with patients directly or on your own channels. Use these conversations as opportunities to educate them about the risks of DIY dentistry and the benefits of professional care. Turn these valuable teaching moments into content marketing that could save the mouths of your patients and position you as a subject matter expert.

  • Empower Patients to Be Savvy Online

Help patients become critical consumers of online information. Teach them to check sources, verify credentials, and be wary of sensationalized content.

  • Highlight the Hidden Costs of DIY

DIY dentistry might seem cheap upfront, but the cost of repairing damage can be far greater. Explain how professional treatments can be more affordable than they think.

  • Lead by Example

Consider creating high-quality, engaging videos on your social media platforms to combat misinformation with accurate, science-based content. Stitch viral trends to stop misinformation in its tracks.

  • Open Communication is Key

Encourage patients to come to you with questions about anything they see online. Let them know you’re there to guide them and provide safe, effective solutions.

Remember, building trust and rapport with your patients is the best way to keep them away from online dental disasters. Maintaining open communication ensures they turn to professionals for their dental care needs, fostering healthier and safer oral health practices. SOURCES: Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene, Penn Dental Medicine, Delta Dental