Saving Smiles and Wallets: Periodontal Treatment Often Wins Over Implants

When dealing with severe periodontal disease, dentists face a critical decision: save the natural tooth or replace it with a dental implant? New research published in Evidence-Based Dentistry suggests that for cost-effectiveness, saving the tooth is often the smarter choice. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Cost Matters: Studies show that periodontal treatment, while requiring supportive care, is generally less expensive than implant placement and long-term maintenance. This is especially true when factoring in potential implant complications like peri-implantitis. 
  • Natural Teeth Have Advantages: Beyond cost, natural teeth offer advantages in terms of function and sensation. When possible, preserving them should be a priority. 
  • The Evidence Is Growing: The reviewed research used robust methods and highlights the need for further studies, particularly randomized controlled trials with long-term follow-up. 

A Patient-Centered Approach 

While cost is a significant factor in treatment decisions, it’s essential to prioritize patient-centered care. Dentists should collaborate closely with patients to understand their unique preferences, overall health, lifestyle and risk factors. Supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) plays a vital role in both preserving natural teeth and maintaining dental implants. Regular SPT appointments are crucial for long-term success.  

For patients with severe periodontal disease, periodontal treatment can be a cost-effective and successful approach over costly dental implants. This recent research emphasizes the importance of considering all factors when making treatment decisions, while highlighting the potential benefits of saving natural teeth whenever possible, a cornerstone of Minimally Invasive Dentistry as a paradigm for care. 

SOURCES: Evidence-Based Dentistry